Frequent Flyer Giving

Airline Passenger Logbooks

Frequent Flyer Giving is making these books available in exchange for a $10 per book donation ($8 of whch is tax deductible) and a $2 per order shipping supplies fee. Postage within the USA is included.
For orders to be shipped to addresses outside the USA, please contact us regarding postal rates before ordering.

At the FFG Store you will be able to select the number of books desired.

BUY NOW at the FFG store

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Not shown are the additional pages for notes and memoranda.

FFG and its partners are registered 501(c)(3) organizations. Of the amount donated for logbooks, a total of $8 per book is tax deductible. Please contact FFG for a donation receipt if you require one. Please contact your tax advisor for more information about claiming deductions.

For problems, questions, or comments, please email

Copyright © 2010-2017 Frequent Flyer Giving